Documenting Teresa Carreño

Boston Music Hall (January 30, 1863)


Carreño performed a farewell concert at Boston Music Hall with soloists: Addie S. Ryan, vocalist; Mr. August Suck, violinist; Mr. Baumbach, accompanist. Orchestra was conducted by Carl Zerrahn and the concert was under the management of George Danskin. Carreño performed the following work in part one: Piano Sonata no. 8, op. 13 (Beethoven, Ludwig van). In part two, she performed Capriccio Brilliant, op. 22 (Mendelssohn, Felix) with orchestral accompaniment and her own valse, L’Addio. According to the concert program, this valse was composed and dedicated to the Ladies of Boston. Concert began at 7:30 pm. Cost of tickets with reserved seats was $0.50.  


AnnouncementBoston Evening Transcript, 27 January 1863, 2.

AdvertisementBoston Evening Transcript, 27 January 1863, 3.

ReviewBoston Evening Transcript, 31 January 1863, 2.

Concert Program: US-NYp: Music Division Clipping File, Carreño Programs (MBD–uncat)


Kijas, Anna


Boston Evening Transcript, January 27, 1863.

Teresa Carreno's Adieu to Boston.

The farewell concert of this child pianist will take place on Friday evening at the Music Hall. Apart from her musical talents she has, by her artless simplicity and childish purity in private life, become quite a pet. The attractions for the concert will be great. Mr. Zerrahn is now busily engaged in the matter, and as our lady friends will, on reference to our advertising columns, see that Mr. Danskin, on the part of Teresa Carreño, is requested to state that each lady on entering the Musich Hall on Friday evening will be presented with her carte de visite as a souvenir d'adieu, they wil no doubt muster in large numbers on this occasion. Messrs. Case & Getchell, and Mr. Soule, of Washington street, are now preparing the cartes, and they will, with such a subject, produce gems of photographic art.

Boston Evening Transcript, January 27, 1863.

Adieu to Boston.

Teresa Carreno's Farewell Concert, and most positively last appearance, will take place at the Music Hall, Boston, on Friday Evening, January 30, 1863.

Card. It is with great reluctance that Teresa Carreno announces her last performance in the city of Boston, where she has been received with so much kindness, and where it may be said that her artistic reputation was first recognized and favorably acknowledge. To render the programme for this Concert as attractive as possible, Teresa Carreno will perform the Caprice, by Mendelssohn, as played by her at the Philharmonic Concert on Saturday Evening, and in which she achieved a success unparalleled in musical history, and was honored with the presentation of a gold medal. She will also for the first time in public play the Sonata Pathetique, by the Immortal Beethoven, universally acknowledged as the best of this great master's Pianoforte Sonatas.

The other Solos will consist of the most favorite pieces performed at the previous Concerts and Pianoforte Recitals.

Artists of celebrity are engaged for this occasion to render it the most attractive of the series.

Tickets, 50 cents with reserved seats, can be secured at Tolman's Music Store, 291 Washington street, on Wednesday. Children half price.

Doors open at 7; Concert commences at 7 1/2 o'clock.

Card to the Ladies of Boston.

In grateful recognition of the many kind favors bestowed upon Teresa Carreno in this city. I am requested on her part to say, that to each lady, on entering the Music Hall, on Friday evening, will be presented her Carte de Visite--as a Souvenir d' Adieu.

Boston Evening Transcript, January 31, 1863.

The Farewell Concert of Teresa Carreno, last evening, drew an audience completely filling Music Hall with the admirers of her masterly performances. She was assisted in the entertainment by an orchestra, under Carl Zerrahn, who played to the acceptance of the assembly. Miss Addie Ryan sang two pieces--one of them very creditably. But the particular applause of the evening was bestowed upon the incomparable juvenile pianist. She performed the most difficult music with all the ease, finish and brilliancy which have given her rank with the most celebrated piano players. On Monday next she will give a concert at City Hall, Cambridge.

Dwight's Journal of Music, January 31, 1863.

Miss Teresa Carreno was to have her final "farewell" concert at the Music Hall last evening, and play again with orchestra. Also, for the first time "the Sonata Pathetique, by the immortal Beethoven, universally acknowledge as the best of this great master's piano-forte Sonatas," as the announcement humoursly asserts, and will be equally read to say as much of twenty others the first time that she plays them.




“Boston Music Hall (January 30, 1863),” Documenting Teresa Carreño, accessed October 22, 2024,

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