Documenting Teresa Carreño

Boston Music Hall (January 24, 1863)


Carreño gave a gala matinee concert for the children of Boston at the request of the mayor, F. W. Lincoln, Jr. She performed Nuits d'Espagne, op. 40, E minor (Godefroid, Félix), Last Hope (Gottschalk, Louis M.), Variations on "Home! Sweet Home!," (Thalberg, Sigismond), and her own version of the Star Spangled Banner. The concert began at 3 pm. Tickets cost $0.25.


AnnouncementBoston Evening Transcript, 19 January 1863, 2.

AdvertisementBoston Evening Transcript, 20 January 1863, 3. 

AnnouncementBoston Evening Transcript, 22 January 1863, 2.

Review and LetterBoston Evening Transcript, 26 January 1863, 2.


Kijas, Anna


Boston Evening Transcript, January 19, 1863.

Teresa Carreno will give a gala matinée to the children of this city on Saturday afternoon at the Music Hall, commencing at 8 o'clock. Children will be admitted at half price, 25 cents, and every ticket will have a reserved seat attached. The following letter has been received by her managing agent from the Mayor, which we publish with much pleasure:

Mayor's Office, Boston, Jan. 15, 1863.

Geo. Danskin, Esq. My Dear Sir: I feel that Teresa Carreno and her guadians ought not to leave this city without a more permanent testimonial to her remarkable powers than I was enabled to present during a brief personal interview.

The concert given to our children on Saturday afternoon last, was one of the most delightful musical entertainments ever given in our city. Music has recently become an important branch of education in our public schools, and the example of her proficiency in the art, will no doubt have an inspiring influence, and excite them to greater exertions in their studies.

The winning simplicity of her manners, her apparent unconsciousness of her own merits, seeming only anxious to please others, adds a great charm to her musical performances; while the skill she displays in execution calls forth the admiration of professional persons as well as every lover of the art.

Again expressing my thanks in behalf of the children for the opportunity afforded them for hearing her, and adding my own personal wishes for her success and prosperity.

I am yours truly,

F. W. Lincoln, Jr.

Boston Evening Transcript, January 22, 1863.

Teresa Carreno. The grand gala Matinée and Juvenile Reception of the Child Pianist, at the Music Hall, on Saturday afternoon next, promises to be a very successful affair. The sale of tickets commenced yesterday, and there are already quite a number disposed of. As this will be the only opportunity for children to hear the gifted Teresa at half the usual admision, there will no doubt be a great gathering of the juveniles. A special invitation has been extended to the pupils of the "Institution for the Blind," who will no doubt feel much gratified by this mark of attention on the part of Teresa Carreno.

Our worthy Mayor has wisely said that "the example of this young pianist, set before our children of her proficiency in the art, will no doubt have an inspiring influence and excite them to greater exertions in their studies."


Boston Evening Transcript, January 26, 1863.

Saturday Evening at the Music Hall. The prevailing interest in the girl-pianist, Teresa Carreño, and the appearance of a new local vocalist, together with a well chosen programme of instrumental music, appealing to general more than special tastes.--assured an immense audience for the Second Philharmonic Concert. Mr. Zerrahn this time certainly has no cause to complain that his liberal and timely procurement of special attraction was not correspondingly recognized and met by the public. 

The interest of the evening naturally centred in the little pianist. Her chief achievement was the Mendelssohn Capriccio, with orchestra; and it was really an event of no ordinary occurrence and importance, this measuring of youthful powers with surroundings so experienced and mature. She rendered this composition, trying for an artists of whatever years or musical growth, with signal ability,--showing deficiencies only in minor points, and brightly illustrating and conveying all its life and spirit. The presentation to her of a gold medal and testimonial by Mr. Zerrahn in behalf of the Philharmonic Society, was a happy sequence to so brilliant a performance, and a graceful tribute to her well established merit. In her fantasia exhibitions, that succeeded, she commanded, as usual, large admiration and wonder for her executive accomplishment and power.

Mrs. Celia Ford, née Houston, the vocalist of the occasion, appeared for the first time before a general audience, and showed unusual self-possession under the circumstances. She has a fresh and rich voice, lying well on the soprano register, with the upper notes full and sympathetic, and less shrill and penetrating than we find generally in our local singers. She showed the better vocal[?] in the "William Tell" romanza, and gave portions of it with good general expression and effect.

The orchestra played their selections finely,--the symphonic Poem of Lizt [sic] with its well wrought instances of modern instrumentation growing in favor with renowned hearing,--the eminently beautiful "Leonora" overture, so full of the fertile invention, the lofty tone and deep sentiment of the composer, satisfying every taste, and the transcription of Schubert's "Erl King," and Lindpainter's overture, being capital representative pieces for such a concert and audience.

As a pleasant supplement to our notice of these performances, we publish the correspondence respecting the presentation of the medal to the youthful pianist:

Tremont House, Saturday, Jan. 24, 1863.

To C. Zerrahn, Esq: My Dear Sir,--In the name of Teresa Carreño I have to thank you and your associates, for the magnificent testimonial presented to her this evening. It is the first public tribute she has received; and whatever may be her future artistic success, she will always with pride and gratitude remember the Philharmonic Concert at Boston Music Hall, on Saturday evening, January 24, 1863.

Enclosed you will be pleased to receive a note of thanks from the little girl; it is spontaneous on her part, the language is the simplicity of childhood, accept it in all its purity, it comes from the heart. I am, dear sir, yours faithfully, Geo. Danskin.

(Translation) Tremont House, Boston, Jan. 25th, 1863.

Carl Zerrahn, Esq--Dear Sir: You will pardon me if I cannot rightly express myself by word.--When you gave me that pretty medal on Saturday night, I did not know what it meant, thinking only it was a mere present to me; but when Mr. Danskin, the manager of my concerts, told me shortly after that the kind gentleman who played with me presented it "as a tribute of respect to my genius," I did know that you all feel kindly towards me and love me; that is all I hope for, for I do like to be loved and thought well of, and I shall always do my best to please, for my dear papa and mamma have always taught me to be good. With high consideration, I am, Sir, Your ob't servant, (signed) Teresa Carreno.


“Boston Music Hall (January 24, 1863),” Documenting Teresa Carreño, accessed October 22, 2024,
