Documenting Teresa Carreño

Howard Hall (January 12, 1863)


Carreño performed at Howard Hall in Providence, Rhode Island. She was assisted by Miss Matilda Phillipps, vocalist, and Mr. Charles Elliott, violinist. Carreño performed Fantasia on Rossini's "Moses," op. 33 (Thalberg, Sigismond), Caprice sur "Ernani," op. 31 (Prudent, Émile) and an unidentified Gottschalk piece.

Howard Hall was located at 137 Westminster St., Providence, RI. It was a popular stop for other artists, such as Jenny Lind, Adelina Patti and Ole Bull.


Advertisement: Providence Evening Press, 6 January 1863, 3.

ReviewProvidence Evening Press, 13 January 1863, 3.


Kijas, Anna


Providence Evening Press, January 6, 1863.

Teresa Carreno, the girl pianist, eight years of age, will give a concert at Howard Hall, on Monday evening, Jan. 12, assisted by Miss Matilda Phillps and other artists. 

Providence Evening Press, January 13, 1863.

Teresa Carreno --At the close of the concert in Howard Hall, last evening, by this little wonder, we scarcely knew whether what had passes was a reality or a dream, so like was it to the remembrance of some fairy vision. If a reality, it seemed as if an adult of mature years should have been before the piano, to have mastered the difficulties that must be overcome to bring forth such liquid strains. Was it Gottschalk or Thalberg? No; neither of these, but only a little artless girl; so small, even, that in order to be able to work the pedals of the instrument a separate mechanical arrangement was necessary to bring them within her reach when she had climbed to her seat. At three times her age, her performances would have been deemed almost beyond criticism; but as it is, we can only say they partake of the marvellous. 

Only those practically acquainted with pianoforte playing, can adequately comprehend the extent of knowledge and practice necessary to accomplish such results. Mozart, at a tender age, exhibited wonderful proclivities for composition; but whence comes in this instance the skill which heretofore it has been believed could only result from long years of patient application. These, certainly Teresa Carreno cannot have had, for a whole life-time such as hers, of most patient toil, by a matured mind, would fall in a large majority of cases, to enable a performer to take her place. If we except great  force, and almost unexampled velocity, there is nothing apparently lacking which maturity can bring to her aid. She already, however, plays with a power quite astonishing. Her touch is remarkably clear and certain; her expression peculiarly delicate, and her self-possession is such that she can sustain an adagio movement--always difficult--in a very suprising manner. Among the pieces showing her skill to the best advantage, were Thalberg's Grande Fantaisie sur Moise, and Prudent's Caprice sur Ernani. The great length of these compositions, and their every-varying and interlacing modulations, showed this little Miss to be endowed with a retentiveness of memory, quite in keeping with her other faculties. In all her performances she was heartily encored, and gave in response selections from eminent composers, among which we recognized one from Gottschalk's repertoire

She was supported by Miss Matilda Phillips, vocalist, and Mr. Charles Elliott, violinist. Should another concert be announced, as we really hope there will be, we feel sure that the capacity of Howard Hall will not be sufficient to accomodate those who would witness a remarkable case of intuition, the likes of which has perhaps never been witnessed before.


“Howard Hall (January 12, 1863),” Documenting Teresa Carreño, accessed July 27, 2024,
