Documenting Teresa Carreño

Irving Hall (December 11, 1862)


This concert was scheduled after the success of a concert a few days prior on Tuesday, December 9, 1862. According to a newspaper advertisement, the sale of tickets for Tuesday's concert had to be stopped because of overcrowding.

Carreño was advertised to perform with Mrs. Jenny Kempton, Mr. William Castle, Mr. Theodore Thomas, and Signor Abella. Cost of tickets was $0.50 or $1 for reserved seats.


Advertisement: New York Daily Tribune, 10 December 1862, 7.

Advertisement: New York Times,10 December 1862, 7.


Kijas, Anna


New York Times, December 10, 1862.

Miss Teresa Carreno, the child pianist. In consequence of the overcrowded house on Tuesday evening, and in view of the fact that the sale of tickets was necessarily stopped, Miss Carreño will give one more grand concert, on Thursday evening, December 11, at Irving Hall, assisted by the following artists, Mrs. Jenny Kempton, Mr. William Castle, Mr. Theodor [sic] Thomas, Signor Abella, and others. Tickets, 50 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents extra.

On Saturday, at 12 o'clock, (and positively her last appearance,) Miss Carreno's only morning concert, for the accomodation of families, schools and children.


“Irving Hall (December 11, 1862),” Documenting Teresa Carreño, accessed September 15, 2024,
