Documenting Teresa Carreño

Irving Hall (December 2, 1862)


Carreño gave a third concert at Irving Hall and was accompanied by Miss Annie Salembier (soprano), Mr. William Castle (tenor), Mr. Theodore Thomas (violinist), Signor Abella (piano accompanist), and Mr. F. Eben (flutist). Concert began at 8 pm. Tickets were priced at $0.50 or an additional $0.50 for reserved seats.


AdvertisementNew York Times, 30 November 1862, 7.

AdvertisementNew York Times, 1 December 1862, 8. 

AdvertisementNew York Daily Tribune, 2 December 1862, 6.

Article: Musical Review and Musical World, 6 December 1862, 293.


Kijas, Anna


New York Times, November 30, 1862.

Irving Hall--Miss Teresa Carreno, the Child Pianist, 8 Years of Age, Will giver her Third Grand Concert on Tuesday Evening, Dec. 2, at 8 o'clock, Assisted by the following artists: Miss Annie Salembier, soprano, her first appearance. Mr. William Castle, tenor. Mr. Theodore Thomas, violinist and director. Signor Abella, who will preside at the piano. And Mr. F. Eben, flutist.

Special Notice. In compliance with many requests, there will be two prices hereafter for Miss Carreno's Concerts, viz.: Tickets, 50 cents; Reserved seats, 50 cents extra. The sale of which will commence Monday Morning at Beer and Schirner's, No. 701 Broadway; Scharfenberg & Luis, No. 759 Broadway; Sibell & Salisbury, No. 7 Nassau-st, and at Irving Hall.

New York Times, December 1, 1862.

Miss Teresa Carreño's third concert will take place at the same establishment [Irving Hall], on Tuesday next, the 2d inst.

Musical Review and Musical World, December 6, 1862.

The child pianist Teresa Carreno, has performed in three concerts, given by Mr. Harrison in Irving Hall. No doubt, she has remarkable talent, but some of the pieces she played were much too difficult for her, on the other hand, others were so insipid and stupid, that they are little apt to improve her taste, especially as they were received with the same applause as all others. We still think, it would have been better for the future of the child, not to appear in public just now.


“Irving Hall (December 2, 1862),” Documenting Teresa Carreño, accessed September 16, 2024,
