Documenting Teresa Carreño

Niblo's Saloon (February 20, 1865)


This was the first in a series of three concerts at Niblo's Saloon, which featured Camilla Urso, violinist; Teresa Carreño, child pianist; Madame Varian, prima donna; Signor Fellini, baritone; and Edward Hoffman, pianist and composer. Regular tickets cost $1 or $1.50 for reserved seats.


Advertisement: New York Daily Tribune, 15 February 1865, 2.


Kijas, Anna


New York Daily Tribune, February 15, 1865.

Niblo’s Saloon

Camilla Urso, the unrivaled Lady Violinist, respectfully announces a series of Three Grand Concerts, to take place on Monday, 20th; Thursday, 23d, and Monday, 27th February.

The following attractions are engaged to appear:

Madame Varian, Prima Donna.

Teresa Carreno, the Child Pianist.

Signor Fellini, Baritone, from the Carlo Felice, Genoa.

Edw. Hoffman, Pianist and Composer.

Tickets $1. Reserved seats, 50 cents extra.

Sale of tickets and reserved seats at Beer & Schirmer's, No. 701 Broadway, on Thursday, 16th. 


“Niblo's Saloon (February 20, 1865),” Documenting Teresa Carreño, accessed May 2, 2024,
